Saturday, September 20, 2014

Going to Outer Space

Today we went on an adventure to Outer Space!! Well, not really...but the kids still had fun. Since we are working on Place Value I decided to play a game to make it fun! I gave each person either a number represented by hundreds tens and ones, or the standard form of a number. They then had to find their partner that had the same number, but in a different form. Afterwards they were able to head over to the space ship!(chairs turned upside down in rows of 2) In order to board the ship they had to put themselves in numerical order. Least amount up front, greatest amount in the back! Once I checked their spots, they were able to board the space ship! We counted back from 30....then took off! We did this a few times for extra practice ordering numbers! This was a fun way to get the kids moving and understanding place value!

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