Monday, November 19, 2012

My Brother Came!!

So my little brother is a Professional Motocross Champion! He has been racing since he was 3 years old and turned Pro last year!!! Since our school theme is Racing to Excellence, my VP and I thought it would be a great idea for him to come talk to my entire school(800 kids) about goal setting, being a good role model, safety, and overcoming obstacles. Well he was a hit!! He rode in on his dirt bike, and the kids went crazy! AND yes I did get a little teary eyed! I was just so proud of him, as well as seeing the reaction of the kiddos! I was like "That's my brother!!" :) He did a fabulous job talking to them and even gave away signed posters, goggles, AND A HELMET! He was an inspiration to a ton of kiddos and I am so proud to be his sister!

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