Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reading Strategy Poems!

So I found a new website that is amazing! His name is Mr. Smith and his website is! He has some really great ideas on how to motivate the kiddos and incorporate what they love into their learning! He has these poems that he shows to the kids to help them learn the different reading strategies! I typed them up in a word document and attatched a picture of the animals that I bought next to the poem! I am going to try them out tomorrow! Here are the poems below! By the way..I got all of the small bean filled animals at Tuesday Morning for about 2-3 dollars each!!
Flippy the Dolphin

 I’m Flippy the Dolphin, I love to read, but words

can be so hard for me! So when I get stuck, I use

this tip, I take the vowel and give it a FLIP!

Tryin’ Lion Sometimes words can be so hard, they make you

feel like cryin’. But please don’t quite, don’t ever

give up, just keep tryin’!

Helpful Elephant From time to time there is a word we just don’t

get! It’s okay, just ask for help, says helpful


Stretch the Snake I’m Stretch the Snake and when I read, there are

lots of words I know! But if there’s a word that’s

hard for me, I say it really slow!

Chunky MonkeyChunky Monkey is my name! Reading books is my

favorite game! I build each word, part by part

and that’s what makes me oh so smart!

Skippy the Frog Skippy the Frog is what they call me! Ribbit

Ribbit Ribbit! Sometimes when I read, I don’t

know a word, so I… skip it… skip it… skip it!

Picture Puppy Picture Puppy, Picture Puppy, hey that’s me!

Grab me a book, cause I love to read! If I

get stuck, I take another look…at all the

pretty pictures that I find in the book!

Lips the Fish You’ve heard a lot of reading tips, well here’s

mine! Get your lips ready to say the word, and

you’ll be just fine!

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