Sunday, October 7, 2012

Center Ideas!

So I have come up with a list of some cute center ideas! Here are just a few that I am going to put in my classroom next week! Hopefully you can use them or modify them to fit in your classroom! I got a bunch of this weeks ideas from! His sight is AMAZING! His printables are free as well!! You can print out the One Breath Sight Words, and Hundreds Chart Art from his sight! his youtube videos! There are videos of him showing you how to do the sight word towers, phonics cups, maze, boom, one breath sight words, and calendar puzzles! Just Youtube Teacher Tipster and ALL of his videos will pop up! I hope you get as much out of him as I did!!!


Sight Word Towers : Write sight words on the bottom of plastic cups. Stds have to say the sight word before they can stack it to make a tower. Materials:-Plastic Cups

Phonics Cups: Write initial sounds/blends on blue labels. Write endings on green labels. Stick labels to the side of CLEAR cups. Students can stack the cups together to make a word. They then record their word on white boards. Materials: White boards, dry erase markers, CLEAR cups, labels.

Calendar Puzzles: Cut up the picture that comes with an old calendar-for instance they have dog calendars, and October might have a picture of a dog dressed up for halloween. Cut the pictures in about 1-2 inch strips. At the top of the strips place a dot label with words on them. The students then have to put the words in alphabetical order in order for them to correctly make the picture. You could also write the letters of the alphabet and they have to put them in order. Materials: Old Calendar photo, dot labels.

Maze- Print out or copy blank mazes. Write the sight words in the openings of the maze. Students with their finger try to make their way through the maze. Before they can pass through a door in the maze, they must read that sight word! I put a tornando in certain areas of the maze. If they come to that, they whirl their finger in the air(as if it were a tornado) and drop down to the bottom of the page, where there are 4-6 sight words they must read in order for them to go back and get through the tornado. Materials: Maze, Clear protector sheet.

Sight Word Pictures: Take pictures of sight words made by magnetic letters. Place memory card in Digital Picture Frame. Play it as a slideshow. Students must try to say the words quietly. Materials: Sight word pictures, Digital Picture Fame.

One Breath Sight Words: Students get a sheet of sight words. They take a deep breath and try to say as many sight words in one breath as they can. Materials: Sight Word Sheet.

Boom- Put sight words on popsicle sticks. Students pull a stick from the Boom can and read it. If they are right, they keep it, if they are wrong, they put it back. If they pull a BOOM stick, all of their sticks that they have accumulated go back in the can. Materials: Canister to hold the sticks, popsicle sticks.


Addition/Subtraction Towers: Write addition/subtraction facts on the bottom of plastic cups. Stds have to correctly answer the problem before they can stack it to make a tower. Materials:-Plastic Cups, unifix cubes.

Calendar Puzzles: Cut up the picture that comes with an old calendar-for instance they have dog calendars, and October might have a picture of a dog dressed up for halloween. Cut the pictures in about 1-2 inch strips. At the top of the strips place a dot label with numbers on them. You could do skip counting by 2's, 5's, 10's. The students then have to put the numbers in order for them to correctly make the picture. You could also write random numbers and the students have to put them in order from least to greatest. Materials: Old Calendar photo, dot labels.

Maze- Print out or copy blank mazes. Write the addition/subtraction facts in the openings of the maze. Students with their finger try to make their way through the maze. Before they can pass through a door in the maze, they must answer the probelm! I put a tornando in certain areas of the maze. If they come to that, they whirl their finger in the air(as if it were a tornado) and drop down to the bottom of the page, where there are 2-3 facts they must answer in order for them to go back and get through the tornado. Materials: Maze, Clear protector sheet.

Hundreds Chart Art- Students color in numbers a certain color. When they are finished, if they have done it correctly, it shows them a picture. - Hundreds chart and directions

Hundreds Chart- Students roll the dice. They must hop that many spaces on the hundreds chart and tell the other person what number they landed on. Materials- Dice, Hundreds Chart, Beans.

Boom- Put addition/subtraction facts on popsicle sticks. Students pull a stick from the Boom can and answer it. If they are right, they keep it, if they are wrong, they put it back. If they pull a BOOM stick, all of their sticks that they have accumulated go back in the can. Materials: Canister to hold the sticks, popsicle sticks.

Reading Strategy Poems!

So I found a new website that is amazing! His name is Mr. Smith and his website is! He has some really great ideas on how to motivate the kiddos and incorporate what they love into their learning! He has these poems that he shows to the kids to help them learn the different reading strategies! I typed them up in a word document and attatched a picture of the animals that I bought next to the poem! I am going to try them out tomorrow! Here are the poems below! By the way..I got all of the small bean filled animals at Tuesday Morning for about 2-3 dollars each!!
Flippy the Dolphin

 I’m Flippy the Dolphin, I love to read, but words

can be so hard for me! So when I get stuck, I use

this tip, I take the vowel and give it a FLIP!

Tryin’ Lion Sometimes words can be so hard, they make you

feel like cryin’. But please don’t quite, don’t ever

give up, just keep tryin’!

Helpful Elephant From time to time there is a word we just don’t

get! It’s okay, just ask for help, says helpful


Stretch the Snake I’m Stretch the Snake and when I read, there are

lots of words I know! But if there’s a word that’s

hard for me, I say it really slow!

Chunky MonkeyChunky Monkey is my name! Reading books is my

favorite game! I build each word, part by part

and that’s what makes me oh so smart!

Skippy the Frog Skippy the Frog is what they call me! Ribbit

Ribbit Ribbit! Sometimes when I read, I don’t

know a word, so I… skip it… skip it… skip it!

Picture Puppy Picture Puppy, Picture Puppy, hey that’s me!

Grab me a book, cause I love to read! If I

get stuck, I take another look…at all the

pretty pictures that I find in the book!

Lips the Fish You’ve heard a lot of reading tips, well here’s

mine! Get your lips ready to say the word, and

you’ll be just fine!