Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Week Jitters!

Well, the first week has come and gone..and I am soo happy I survived! I didn't realize how much paperwork and craziness it was going to be! My kids did awesome though! I implemented my new "whole brain teaching" method into my classroom...and it WORKED WONDERS! My kids were engaged, excited, and learned all of our rules in no time! I strongly suggest you looking into it on YouTube or www.wholebrainteaching.com
  Since Monday was Labor Day, we had a nice long weekend to recuperate from our first week of school!!! I say we, because the kids needed it too!! They were exhausted by Friday!! Poor things! I am super excited about getting into the nitty gritty and bringing out the best in my students! I will post pictures soon of some of the things we are doing in First Grade this year!!

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