Saturday, September 8, 2012


This is how I display my birthdays! I was guessed it..pinterest..when I came upon this super cute idea that is so much better than the traditional poster with all of your kiddos birthdays on it! I bought the gift bags from the dollar tree, as well as the tissue paper. I then bought some birthday pencils from NAC and some frog pencil toppers from Office Depot randomly!! I wrote the name of every student as well as the day of the month that it was their birthday. I placed the pencil in the bag labeled with their birth month, and stapled the bags to my wall! It is adorable!

First Day of School Idea

So I was thinking of something cute to do for my kiddos on the first day of school to document this great new adventure that was about to happen in their life! :) So I got this super cute idea (from Pinterest) to take a picture of them holding up a picture frame that said My First Day In First Grade! Then at the end of the year, I am going to take another picture of them with a picture frame saying, My Last Day In First Grade! This will let the parents and myself see just how much they grew and changed in the course of one year in First Grade! I am hoping to possibly make a magnet for them to take home on the last day of school with both pictures side by side! HOW ADORABLE RIGHT! Here is an example of what I looked like a couple of days before school started! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Week Jitters!

Well, the first week has come and gone..and I am soo happy I survived! I didn't realize how much paperwork and craziness it was going to be! My kids did awesome though! I implemented my new "whole brain teaching" method into my classroom...and it WORKED WONDERS! My kids were engaged, excited, and learned all of our rules in no time! I strongly suggest you looking into it on YouTube or
  Since Monday was Labor Day, we had a nice long weekend to recuperate from our first week of school!!! I say we, because the kids needed it too!! They were exhausted by Friday!! Poor things! I am super excited about getting into the nitty gritty and bringing out the best in my students! I will post pictures soon of some of the things we are doing in First Grade this year!!