Monday, May 7, 2012

Above and Beyond Properties

So today for Science my kids were learning about properties! In order to explain what a property was I told them it is something you see, for instance the color of something, size of something, texture of something, or shape of something. I then proceeded to use myself as the object. I thought this was a fabulous idea. I asked the students to name properties that they see about myself, for instance my size, shape, color, texture, and so on. What was said next made me love my kiddos even more...if that was possible! One student raised their hand oh so nicely and I said.."What property can you name by just looking at me?" Then they said..."Beautiful!" AHHH EXTRA CREDIT! haha. I thought it was so sweet!! I was looking for more words like tall, peach know the obvious..but no! My kids went above a beyond!! Yet another fabulous day in first grade!

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