Thursday, May 17, 2012


Oh my goodness! This week has been CRAZY! I was feeling a little ill on Sunday, but I didn't think anything of it..(Famous last words!) so I went on with planning my week! Monday was good. I started off good, but then the body aches started!! And instead of going home to rest, we had a staff meeting, and I had to stay late to get all of our end of the year stuff ready! :( Tuesday comes along and I have to be at a training all day. I'm still feeling sick but Advil was my best friend so it helped a little. Well my goodness, Wednesday comes!! OH MY!!! I get to school and right away start feeling like I am going to fall to the floor and pass out! I am also feeling VERY nauseous! I knew that this day was going to be bad! I asked my VP if BY CHANCE I could leave early because the school nurse said my throat looked like strep! I was so relieved when he agreed! Now before I leave, I have to get my kids ready and split them up into the different classrooms. Still feeling ill, I do all of my paper work, and go to pick up my kids from P.E. I get my kiddos, and all of the sudden I feel weak, like I am about to faint, and also like I am about to get rid of my breakfast!! I B-line it straight to my classroom. No stopping in the hallways at all, which is uncalled for any other day!! My kids were so funny because I was ahead of them, walking very quickly, and their poor legs could barely keep up!! I just did NOT want to pass out or vomit in the hallway!! HOW EMBARRASSING! So I finally get to my room, and head straight to my desk. My thinking is that if I sit down, it will all go away! WRONG! I sit down and the kids start piling in. They are being very quiet because they know something is not right! One of my little boys comes over to see if I am ok, and I immediately tell him to grab me the trash can! Not two seconds after he puts it down..the unthinkable happens. Teachers are not supposed to do what my kids are probably thinking!! I probably scarred them for life!! Their reaction was so perfect though! There were a few words said to each other, but other than that, they were silent and ready to help!! I felt so bad, but I think they felt worse!! I love my kids! So I rush my kids out to their other teachers so I can leave and finally get a chance to go to the doctor! The doctor gives me the strep test and says to wait for ten minutes! 3 minutes later...Ms. Matthews, YOU HAVE STREP! UGGHHH!! And apparently it had gotten so bad that the bacteria went into my stomach and made my stomach upset!! Not fun!! I feel soo much better with the medicine that they gave me! Hopefully this next week will be better! I don't think it could be any worse!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Above and Beyond Properties

So today for Science my kids were learning about properties! In order to explain what a property was I told them it is something you see, for instance the color of something, size of something, texture of something, or shape of something. I then proceeded to use myself as the object. I thought this was a fabulous idea. I asked the students to name properties that they see about myself, for instance my size, shape, color, texture, and so on. What was said next made me love my kiddos even more...if that was possible! One student raised their hand oh so nicely and I said.."What property can you name by just looking at me?" Then they said..."Beautiful!" AHHH EXTRA CREDIT! haha. I thought it was so sweet!! I was looking for more words like tall, peach know the obvious..but no! My kids went above a beyond!! Yet another fabulous day in first grade!

Career Day

So last Friday was career day! It was awesome because we had so many amazing people come and speak to the kiddos! There were firemen, police officers, bus drivers, business men, and a dental assistant! You should have seen the kids oohing and aahing at the sight of them...especially the firemen! It didn't help that they brought the fire truck and extended the ladder for all to see!! I had them prepare for career day by having them write in writing center what they wanted to be when they grew up. I also had cute cut outs of different careers for them to color and paste on their writing! I love themes like that! I wish we had one every week! It just makes it more fun for the kids, and a lot easier to tie in throughout the curriculum! Here are some pics of who we had the pleasure of meeting!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Spurs Day!

Today was another fabulous day! I am just loving May! Every day so far has been great! Today was Spurs Day, and we got to wear our favorite Spurs shirt and slacks!! I love having an excuse to wear a jersey!! :) The kids were great! We did a really cool Science lab today where the kids had to make predictions about weight. We had a balance and different objects for them to compare! They LOVED it and really got into it! I love it when lessons go smoothly and when the kiddos are engaged! We also did a really cute writing prompt! I read them a book about a Postman delivering letters! After that they had to write a letter to the coming Kindergartners! They had to tell them what to expect in first grade! It's hilarious to see what they remember and what they deem as important for them to know about first grade! I'll post pictures tomorrow of some of their writing so you can see how ready they are for second grade!!! :) Game time is in 45 minutes! GO SPURS GO!!!!