Friday, January 30, 2015

Emergency Room in the Classroom!

This week we had a classroom transformation! The kids came into an Emergency Room themed classroom! They were doing surgery on Mr. seQUENCY, Mr. vocabuLARRY, and Mr. seQUENCY JR. It was a blast! We even had an amazing race where the kids had to complete sequencing challenges in order to go to the next challenge. The winning team got to play a minute to win it game. It was a so fun! Check out the pictures! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Native American Shelter

So we are finishing up our "America Then and Now" unit with the kiddos presenting their Native American Shelters! They have done so well presenting to the class! You can tell they worked very hard on their projects and rehearsed their presentation! This is one proud teacher!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fun Friday!

We had an absolute blast last Friday! Not only was it Halloween...but it was also Career Day! We got to learn about Police Officers, Pilots, EMT's, Doctors, and Bankers! After a fun filled career day, we ended our Halloween by making a Witches Brew! The kids loved it! We had a rat's tail, snake venom, blood, boiling water, and fish eyes to name a few ingredients! (Yarn, yellow food coloring, red food coloring, alka seltzer, oil) this is a must do every year on Halloween! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014


This past week we did some pretty awesome science experiments! In order to understand the different states of matter, we made OOBLECK! This is just equal parts corn starch and water. (A little more corn starch or it will be too runny) This concoction acts as a solid and liquid. *Mind Blown* The kids absolutely loved it! First we read parts of Dr. Seuss' book Bartholemew and the Oobleck, and then we started our experiment! It was amazing to see the students' excitement and amazement!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2nd grade is hard work!

We have been working very hard in 2nd Grade! From using tongue twisters to help us learn about alliteration, to eating Pop Rocks to help us come up with similes, we have been having a blast! We are also learning about safe practices in the Science Lab along with the Scientific Process!!! Check out our pictures below! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Repeat Winners!

We did it again! Two times in a row, second grade has won the trophy at the Friday Celebration! We were chosen for working hard to stay on track with our behavior and academics! Way to go Second Grade!

Going to Outer Space

Today we went on an adventure to Outer Space!! Well, not really...but the kids still had fun. Since we are working on Place Value I decided to play a game to make it fun! I gave each person either a number represented by hundreds tens and ones, or the standard form of a number. They then had to find their partner that had the same number, but in a different form. Afterwards they were able to head over to the space ship!(chairs turned upside down in rows of 2) In order to board the ship they had to put themselves in numerical order. Least amount up front, greatest amount in the back! Once I checked their spots, they were able to board the space ship! We counted back from 30....then took off! We did this a few times for extra practice ordering numbers! This was a fun way to get the kids moving and understanding place value!