Thursday, April 25, 2013

Field Day!

So today was Field Day! It turned out to be a nice warm day luckily! We had a ton of events that the kids got to do (as well as the teachers) and a lot of them had to do with team work! This worked out very well for us because they work very well as a team! We even got the TEAM SPIRIT AWARD! :)Next year we are going for the all around field day winners...not just for spirit! :) SO PROUD OF MY KIDS!

Story Structure!

Here is a cute idea for story structure. We read a Frog and Toad story and after, the kiddos got to make their own frog and write the different story features inside of it. They loved it!...and it fit right into my classroom theme this year! :)


Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! It has been one busy year! Check out who came to visit us today!!! ...Don't was already dead!! The kids loved and it and were more brave than me! They were the ones asking to hold it!! CRAZY FIRST GRADERS! :)